Call for Abstract

Abstract Submission Deadline: 30 March 2025

The Scientific Committee invites authors to submit their abstracts for consideration and inclusion in the programme.

Abstract Online Submission Opens: 01 June 2024
Abstract Submission Deadline: 30 March 2025
Abstract Evaluation Deadline: 30 March 2025

Note: Please note that only ELECTRONIC submission will be accepted. Faxed or mailed abstracts will not be reviewed.

  • Abstracts must be submitted in English. A “blind” selection process will be used. No identifying features such as names of hospitals, medical schools, clinics or cities may be listed in the title or text of the abstract. Do not include the names of authors either. Their names and affiliations (institutions) will be registered separately when submitting the abstract online.
  • The material in the abstract must be original and not previously published.
  • The title should be as brief as possible but long enough to clearly indicate the nature of the study. Abbreviations must not be used in the title.
  • The size of the abstract is limited to 3,000 characters (this includes title, body of abstract, spaces, tables and graphics). The submission programme will automatically calculate the size of your abstract and will not allow submissions that do not fit in the size requirements. Each section (Introduction & Objectives, Materials & Methods, Results, and Conclusions) should be inserted in the individually labelled boxes.
  • You can click on the relevant icons to insert tables, pictures or specific characters.
  • Structure your abstract using the following subheadings:
    • Introduction & Objectives: A sentence describing the purpose of the study
    • Materials & Methods: Describe your selection of observations or experimental subjects precisely
    • Results: Describe your results in a logical sequence
    • Conclusions: Emphasise new and important aspects of the study and conclusions that are drawn from them
  • Failure to comply with the following requirements will lead to automatic rejection of the submission:
    • Check spelling and grammar carefully. Direct reproduction from your electronically submitted abstract text means that any errors in spelling, grammar or scientific data will be reproduced as submitted.
    • Use generic names. Commercial drug names may not be used. Drugs should be referred to by the active substance or pharmacological designation.
    • No mention of pharmaceutical company names should be included in the abstract.
  • The evaluation and scoring of the abstract (acceptance as poster or as oral communication, or rejection) will be made according to a number of criteria, including:
    • Is the content interesting, informative, novel or important?
    • Are the methods valid, the results relevant and the conclusions justified by the data?
    • Are the data presented with clarity and with appropriate structure?
    • Is the text written according to proper English grammar and syntactic style?
  • The authors have to specify if they wish the submission to presented as:
    • Poster presentation only
    • Oral presentation only (that is, if rejection of the abstract, no communication!)
    • Poster or oral presentation


Submission of an abstract implies that it has been approved by all listed authors.

The Scientific Programming Committee reserves the right to make the final decision concerning the form of presentation.

Accepted abstracts will be distributed on the official abstract Memory Disc, which will be added in the congress bags. Submission of an abstract constitutes your consent to publication (e.g. Congress website, programmes, other promotional material, etc...)

Abstracts will be published as submitted. Errors will not be amended by the organisers.

Participation in Research

Randomised (and quasi-randomised) controlled trial CONSORT – Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials
Study of Diagnostic accuracy / assessment scale STARD Standards for the Reporting of Diagnostic Accuracy studies
Systematic Review of Controlled Trials PRISMA - Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses
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